During the AHCA Congressional Briefing in Washington, DC this week Leticia Caballero was presented with the Joe Warner Patient Advocacy Award.

Leticia is the Director of Government Relations for HMG Healthcare. She has more than 25 years of experience with state and federal advocacy and policy. Her experience includes serving in senior roles within the Texas House of Representatives, a private lobbying firm, and serving as the Director of Governmental Affairs with the Texas Health Care Association (THCA). Caballero serves as the chair of THCA’s Advocacy Committee focusing on long term care and health policy. She further served as the Texas Regional Federal Political Director for AHCA/NCAL in Washington, D.C.
The Joe Warner Patient Advocacy Award is bestowed to AHCA/NCAL members who have worked directly to educate members of Congress about the needs of long term and post-acute care patients and to advance quality care. The award recognizes long term care professionals who possess the same compassion for – and commitment to – the country’s elderly and individuals with disabilities that exemplified the work of former president and CEO of Illinois-based Heritage Enterprises, Joe Warner.
Please join me in congratulating Leticia on receiving this prestigious honor.