Frequently Asked Questions

In addition to toiletries we encourage all of our patients to bring at least 1 week worth of clothing for a transitional stay, and two-three weeks worth for a long term stay. It is an important part of therapy to get you into your own clothes and functioning as you would at home or in your community.  Also bring your favorite books or puzzles.  Please leave valuable momentous, jewelry or checks/credit cards at home for a transitional stay.

Depending on your personal needs, you may be provided with Physical, Occupational, and/or Speech- Language Therapy during your stay.

In your first meeting with the Registered Therapist(s), they will complete an assessment of your functional status, including testing strength, range of motion, balance, and gait for PT, and ability to complete activities of daily living with OT.

They will discuss your personal goals with you, and then they will form an individualized plan of care specifically for you.

Each daily treatment will address tasks and exercises targeted to help improve your independence in self-care, and the length of treatment will average 45 mins to an hour for each discipline working with you.

We understand that family plays a crucial role in the recovery process.  We believe that having down time and restful sleep is just as crucial.  We encourage families to stay as long as they want during the day, however no overnight stays after visiting hours .  If the condition of the resident calls for an overnight stay, this will need to be approved by the facility Administrator on a case by case basis.

The difference between our standard of care and other facilities is the close relationship and the level of interaction with your physician. Our doctors and/or their NPs/PAs are available to see patients at least 3-5 times a week or as needed.

Several days before you leave arrangements will be finalized for; medications, follow-ups with Primary Care Physicians (PCP), Medical Specialists and Outpatient Therapies.  If you need additional support, such as home health, this will also be arranged prior to admission. In addition, our trained social workers/discharge planners will continue to follow your care through a period of time and will be contacting you via phone. Please ask your facility social worker/discharge planner for any additional questions you have about the discharge procedures and care at home.

Prescriptions will be written by your attending physician. You will take that prescription to your local pharmacy.

We accept all major commercial insurance policies, Medicare replacement plans, and Traditional Medicare.

Medicare is a federal health insurance program available to people who are 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with end-stage renal disease. Medicare can cover inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing center, hospice care, and some home health care.

Depending on your eligibility, Medicare can cover certain expenses, such as short-term care in a skilled nursing facility. Medicare is divided into four parts, each of which covers specific services. These links will take you to more details on the website.

Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, seniors, and people with disabilities with health coverage. Eligibility is based on income, assets and resources.

This overview on the Texas Health and Human Services website summarizes how Medicaid functions in the state of Texas.

Medicaid in Texas